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🏭 Manufacturers

Let's discover Randmar's Reseller Manufacturers.

Overview 📄

  • Search Grid #
  • Manufacturers Actions #
Reseller Portal Manufacturer Page

Search Grid

This grid shows all the Randmar manufacturers and your status with them. You can also find manufacturers by selecting specific niches. On each manufacturer card, you can see your sales overview and more public information about them at a quick glance.

Ex. Clicking on 'Smart Homes'

Reseller Portal Manufacturer Niches
Reseller Portal Manufacturer Niche Results

If you are already qualified with a manufacturer, you will see a verified badge on the manufacturer card and your metrics will be highlighted in a purple box.


Ex. TP-Link Card

Reseller Portal Manufacturer Niche Results

Manufacturers Actions

Directly from the Manufacturers page, you can perform the following actions:

  • Get Started 🚀 This will open the reseller introduction form.
  • Copy Public Email 📧 This will copy the manufacturer's public email to your clipboard.
  • Visit Website 🌐 This will open the manufacturer's website.
  • View Profile 👀 Clicking on the manufacturer card will open the manufacturer's profile page.