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🏪 Wholesale

What is Wholesale?

It's a term that pops up a lot in business, especially if you're interested in retail or manufacturing.

Imagine you want to start a store selling handmade candles. Instead of making them all yourself, you decide to buy them in large quantities from someone who already makes them. When you buy these candles in bulk to sell in your store, you're buying them at wholesale.

Wholesale is all about purchasing goods in large quantities, typically at a lower price per unit. Businesses then sell these goods to consumers or other businesses, but at a higher price to make a profit. It's a key link in the supply chain that allows products to flow from manufacturers to retailers and then to you, the consumer.

So, wholesale is essentially the bridge between the maker of a product and the seller, ensuring that shelves are stocked and customers have a variety of products to choose from.