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📦 Dropshipping

What is Dropshipping?

This is a buzzword you might have heard in the e-commerce world. Imagine you want to sell products online but don't have the space or funds to keep them all in stock. That's where dropshipping comes into play.

Dropshipping is like being the middleman but in a cool, modern way. You set up an online store and list products you want to sell. But instead of stocking those products yourself, you partner with suppliers who have them.

Here's how it works: A customer orders a product from your store. Instead of sending it from your own stock, you forward the order to your supplier. They then ship the product directly to your customer. You never see or handle the product; you just make sure it gets from point A to point B.

This model lets you sell a wide variety of items without the risk of buying inventory upfront. It's all about connecting the right products with the right people without the traditional hassles of retail.

So, dropshipping is essentially e-commerce made easy and accessible, allowing anyone with a good idea and internet access to become an entrepreneur. And that's dropshipping in a nutshell!