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💼 B2B

What is B2B?

You've probably heard of B2C, where businesses sell directly to consumers like you and me. But there's another side of the market called B2B, which stands for Business to Business.

Imagine a bakery. To make those delicious pastries, they need flour, sugar, and maybe some fancy equipment. The bakery doesn't go to a regular store for these; instead, they buy from other businesses that specialize in supplying these ingredients and tools. That's B2B in action.

B2B transactions are all about providing products or services that other businesses need to operate, grow, or serve their customers. It could be anything from office furniture and computer software to bulk ingredients and manufacturing parts.

The B2B world is vast and complex, involving long-term relationships, large transactions, and often, customized solutions. It's a critical part of the economy, enabling businesses to access the resources they need to thrive.

So, the next time you walk into a business, think about all the other companies working behind the scenes in a B2B capacity to make it all possible.